I simply adore this place. So calm.
By the way, the launderette is where I froze my toes off during this snowy winter as our washing machine was triumphantly broken. (Not that much worked in there either... The washing machines, when spinning, always sounded as if they were getting ready to be launched into orbit. I would always have to pull my little girl closer to me for fear she might get launched into outer-space along with them.)
The jewelery shop is the one where J bought my engagement ring (a little 1920's diamond ring- when J gave it to me he warned me that it would be the only diamond I was ever going to get. Charming.).
The bookshop is where I get ripped off. But oh, I keep going back for more!
The greengrocer's shop, which looks so perfectly British, is actually owned by an Italian!
It's a small world after all...
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